vice versa 反之亦然
Generally, the left side of the brain controls the motor movements of the right side of the body, and vice versa.
quid pro quo 等價交換
to and fro 來回地
We went, and walked in silence to and fro along the rampart of the fortress.
bummed out 鬱悶
When you're feeling bummed out, the solution is not to keep your feelings bottled up.
tit-for-tat 以牙還牙;針鋒相對
I usually put my comments in a general, not individual context, because I don't want to do the tit-for-tat insult thing many commentators do.
off the hook 擺脫責任
學到這個詞是在看< How I Met Your Mother > 時,Barney 跟Marshel 說"Why did you get me off the hook?"
one-up 勝人一等;領先某人一步
They seemed to be trying to one-up each other, even letting out full-throated snarls when they played drop shots.
willy-nilly 無可奈何的(Whether desire or not);亂糟糟的
Contrary to the impression Will was giving, breaking up with him was not a decision she'd made lightly or willy-nilly.